Code of Conduct

In keeping with the statement of faith per the SCHEF registration, the following Code of Conduct is the standard by which all parents, students, children, and guests of the association should govern themselves. The Code's intent is to encourage students to develop sefl-control and respect and to conduct themselves with civility, responsibility, and an awareness of the safety and worth of others in the community. The board will render the final decision on the interpreation of the Code of Conduct. Please discuss these as a family and review before attending SCHEF events (i.e. co-op, fieldtrips, club activities, etc.) 

The following expectations and policies regarding conduct at SCHEF sponsored activities and events are intended to promote personal virtures and foster a healthy educational environment.

1. Safety and Order: Students will act responsibly, with concern for both their own safety and that of others. For example, they will not fight, roughhouse, or throw things.

2. Respect: 

*Students will show proper respect towards everyone they meet (i.e. other students, parents, and those within the community). 

*Students will show respect toward personal and private property. For example, they will not litter, waste supplies, misreat furniture, computers, or other property. Students will not commit vandalism or theft. They are expected to clean up after themselves after every event.

*Students will use appropiate, respectful language. For example, the will not use profanity, put-downs, sexually suggestive or graphic words, derogatory comments, or any other language that is hurtful, disrespectful, or unkind They will be polite, use good manners, and no Public Display of Affection.

*SCHEF reserves the right to remove a student at any time, if, in judgement of the activity coordinator, the effort, progress, conduct or influence of the student, or of anyone directly asssociated witht the student including but not limited to his or her parent(s) or guardian(s), in or out of the event, is not keeping with the association's accepted standards. 

3. Important Considerations: Follow specific event guidelines by meeting response and payment deadlines. Please contact the coordinatior if you are unable to attend. Please do not attend if you or your family had any contagious illness symptoms in the preceding 24 hours. Use of communication devices such as cell phones, etc. should be restrained from use and not to be a distraction. Parents/Teachers/Events Coordinators have the right to obtain such devices from studnets until the end of the event. Family is welcome to join you if space is available and the coordinator approves it . Also, it's your responsibility to make them aware of all guidelines. Attendance at all events requires confirmation with the event coordinator to secure your position. 

4. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms or Other Weapons, and Illegal Drugs: Students may not solicit, use, or possess on their person or in their vehichle alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, firearms, or other weapons, or illegal drugs at a SCHEF sponsored event. Violations of this policy may result in dismissal from the association. 

5. Dress Code must be adhered to at all times. Dress appropriately, respectfully, and modestly. See SCHEF Dress Code.